
What questions should you ask an applicant in a job interview?

News - 16 02 2024

What questions should you ask an applicant in a job interview? surady

So, you have found several candidates for a position and invited them for an interview. How do you understand who is suitable for your company and your team? What questions should you ask? What questions can be asked? What questions should not be asked categorically?

Select an interviewing technique

Depending on your candidate requirements, you can choose different interview styles. Here are examples for each:

Blitz survey. If you want an active employee who is able to give out information quickly, throwing lightning-fast questions is really the method: the main thing in a job is?... to succeed, you have to?

This way you can test how quickly the job seeker is oriented and switches.

Stress interview. This method is effective if you are interviewing candidates for the position of personal assistant, sales manager or supervisor. To test the candidate's ability to "take a punch," ask "uncomfortable" questions such as: Why should our company hire you? Why are there so many useless subordinates?

Case-interview. A great way to test a candidate's skills. Present them with a situation and see how they analyze the problem and find solutions. For example:

You get a call from an angry client who starts reprimanding you for a mistake, but not yours at all. What should you do?

Imagine you are a sales representative. You need 2 minutes to convince me to put your product on the "golden shelf".

Projective interview. Projective interview questions are questions about people and work in general. This methodology is based on the principle of projection: whatever the subject is about, people tend to judge it based on their own experience: in what work situations is lying justified? What motivates you to work most effectively?

What topics do you ask questions on?

Personal Qualities;

Education and work experience;

Why does the candidate want this particular position?

Candidate's strengths and weaknesses;

Details about past work, relationships with former coworkers, reason for dismissal;

Biggest success/failure;

Schedule preferences;

Salary expectations.

What questions should not be asked at any point?

Questions about ethnicity;

Questions about religion;

Personal and family questions (Do you live alone/single? Are you married/married or divorced? Where do you live?);

Discriminatory questions (Do you know how to deal with your emotions? Are you planning to get married soon? How old are you? Are you not young for such a responsible job?).